
Adopt here in Michigan

Here are some AWESOME pets waiting for homes if you live in Michigan

Pet Parents

Hey slowdown! Ok this is obviously been phototouched!

(remember to keep your pets secure anytime you are driving)

Monkey off your back

Someone get this monkey off my back! We have always wondered what that meant or what it might look like!


Cat driver

The cat driver slammed on the brakes for a field full of catnip. The dog who was on his way to anger management classes got mad and yelled "you stupid cat driver"! This dog has some major cat issues! And probably should not even be driving, when he is this mad.

Long Day!

Ever have one of those really long days? So did this dog or cat or slinky or carpet.

Bowling Parrot

Have you ever seen a parrot that bowls?

Dog Trump

I have never been interested in dog things, but real estate has always facisnated me.


Mookie and Sam double episodes

mookie and sam on a summer vacation! These dogs are so funny!

Ok Valentines is a ways a way here, but I thought everyone would enjoy this!


Mookie and Sam show

Mookie and Sam experience Christmas in New York City! This is video of what they are saying, cause you know they talk right?!


Peter the talking dog

Wow this dog knows a few things besides I love you!

David Letterman dog says I love you!


Dog tricks

This video cuts out at the end but there are some fun dog tricks to look at!


Vacuuming Dog!

This is so funny and not many dogs would let you do this! How about vacuuming your dog? That's one way to get rid of the pet hair huh?



This dog gets excited looking at America's funniest home videos. The announcer says were going to the dog park and look at what the dog does!


Dog trick

Can your dog do this?


Two dogs are arguing!

Hamster picture

Remember the kitty poster from the 1970's

This hamster picture reminds me of that!


Dog Fashion

Why should I dress my dog?
Why is it so trendy to dress up dogs?
What dog fashion trends have you seen since you got into this business?
What are the hottest clothes people are buying for their dogs?
What sort of dog accessories are really hot right now?
What do you think will be the next big trend in dog fashion?
Do you think dog fashion is just a trend?

VideoJug: Trends In Dog Fashion

Pug Blender

This pug spins around everytime the blender is turned on!

Hairy Pigs

I did not know that there was such a pig! I hope that they are only sold as pets!


kid jumping on the bed

Doesn't everyone have a goat who jumps on their bed! This is funny!


Puppy Mills

This is a very good link for some things you can do to make a difference. Click here!

kitten modeling



What a smart squirrel!

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