This video is short but I want to watch it again and again!
Creating Dog Friendly Yards
By []Caroline Bourke
People who love gardening are often at a loss as to how to maintain pet friendly yards. Fortunately, with a little thought and compromise, it is not a difficult task to achieve. Pets and their owners can both enjoy their pet friendly yards with no major mishap to the pets or the gardens.
One of the first things that are needed in pet friendly yards is a high and sturdy fence all around. This will not only prevent pets from running out, it will deter stray dogs from coming in. The fence should be equipped with wire meshing at the edges to block off any gaps. Do not grow plants near the fence, as dogs like to establish their territorial rights. This may lead to unsightly dog paths being created here. Dogs need places to run around, so pet friendly yards should have stone paved areas or paths.
Take care not to leave any area with loose mud in the garden- it is an invitation to start digging! It may be a good idea to fence off an area that is exclusively for the dog to romp around. A dog house is also essential to protect the pets from excessive heat or wind. It should not be too close to the outer fence as dogs can climb on the house and jump out. The dogs should also have a bath room area that they are trained to use, to prevent the lawn from being messed up. Make sure there is water available for them to drink.
What to Grow In Pet Friendly Yards
Grass and plans cannot tolerate the nitrates in dog urine, so train them to keep off the grass. Some varieties of grass are sturdier than others, such as Bermuda grass and can with stand treading. Clover is perhaps the ideal choice, as it does not stain the way grass does after being subjected to dog urine. Delicate plants can be protected with wooden picket fences or wire cages around them. This prevents dog urine from reaching their trunks and roots, and damaging them. While there are numerous plants to choose from to grow in gardens, pet friendly yards should not have poisonous plants. Check out lists of plants that are suitable to have around with pets before planning the garden.
Pet friendly yards should have secure places for storing herbicides and other chemicals. Pets should be allowed to play only after 24 hours of fertilizing a yard. It is also a good idea to have pet toys and chews to keep them entertained while they are out.
Caroline Bourke is a full time beauty therapist in Florida. Check out these great []Dogs Advice resources and articles or the more general []Pets advice.
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Surfing Dog with interviews
Essential Features Of A Good Dog Training Book
By []Xavier Gallery
Training your dog is a time-intensive project that requires patience and solid strategy. Most inexperienced dog owners ultimately fail at training their pet because they either lack the knowledge of what to, or they become frustrated when their dog does not respond. This failure leads many to turn to the plethora of dog training books available on the internet. There are a number of excellent resources available, but what exactly makes up a good dog training book? Here are some important things to research before buying any training product.
Navigation In order to successfully implement a training program with your dog, you need to understand the concepts behind it. A well-written dog training book starts with the basics and slowly guides you through the more advanced techniques. There should be clear step-by-step instructions for each task, and the chapters should be organized by skill level. Too many inferior books lump broad categories together, which can confuse amateurs on where to begin. Ideally, it should be easy to continually reference topics in the book since it is unlikely you will memorize everything after one read.
Beyond Puppies Some books can lose their value after the first year of a dog’s life. They guide you through potty training and other behavior issues prevalent in puppies, but they don’t offer enough information on dealing with older dogs. This can be a big void, especially since it is much harder to break the habits of an older dog. Thus, it is important to choose a book that spans the life of your pet. A well-trained dog may never demonstrate obedience issues, but there are other bad habits such as aggression that may need to be dealt with later in life.
Illustration As humans, we learn more efficiently through reinforcement, and this is why the best dog training books feature a number of pictures and illustrations. Training your dog is a rather precise science, and there is simply too much room for misinterpretation without giving a visual reference. Some of the more premier dog training guides offer video instruction in addition to their books. This can be useful bonus that provides another way to learn the material.
Support No matter how confident you are in your abilities, you will probably reach a point where you have a question. Finding a training resource that offers email support or a learning forum is a great way to ensure you can find an answer. This is one of the benefits with the dog training ebooks available online, as a handful of them provide email support with the cost of their product. Having access to a support network makes it less likely that you will give up when you reach a difficult point during the training process.
Training your dog can be a fun experience that builds a strong bond between you and your pet, but it can also become a nightmare if things aren’t going well. A good dog training book will teach you what methods to use and how to implement them over the course of your dog’s development. But for every good book available, there are a hundred others have limited value. The best way to protect yourself against the inferior products is to do your research and look for product reviews. Choosing the right book from the start will ensure success with your training regimen.
Find out which []Dog Training Book topped our list. Here's a secret... it wasn't even close! Read the reviews at []
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Extreme Pete This dog is crazy!
Wow this dog knows how to add!
The world's only poker playing yorkie!
This dog is really smart!
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